
Dr. Reginald Mengi Giving Month of May

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Let us support a CAUSE, make a DIFFERENCE, leave a MARK

The Dr. Reginald Abraham Mengi giving month is a dedication to the legacy of a true philanthropist. He was a symbol of a giving heart in Tanzania. His unwavering commitment in the fight against social injustice and a voice for the voiceless brought him national and international recognition over the years.

In his lifetime, Dr. Mengi championed many charitable activities in diverse fields across the country. Some of his charity work included advocating the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities, environmental protection where he planted over 24,000,000 trees to protect Mount Kilimanjaro, donations to schools and higher learning institutions, donations to faith based institutions, economic empowerment to support the disadvantaged sections of the society, school fees sponsorship to individuals and the list goes on and on.

Why the Month of May?

The month of May is a natural choice for this dedication because it is the month of his birthday, his passing and the month, which this foundation was registered. We plan to promote a community campaign to dedicate the month of May as a giving month in Tanzania. We plan to hold annual events to motivate the general public and its institutions to give back to the community either in collaboration with our Foundation or independently.


A number of activities have been earmarked for the inaugural giving month of May 2020. The Foundation shall collaborate with multiple stakeholders to benefit synergetically across the country.

In collaboration with Jakaya Mrisho Kikwette Sports Park and COPE (Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti) we plan to hold a ‘Walk in My Shoes Inclusive Sports Day” at the JMKP showcasing the possibilities and challenges for an inclusive society.

Through a “Walk in my Shoes” event will highlight daily challenges facing persons with disabilities and promote a discussion on the best ways to address these challenges. Different groups of influential members of our society will patircipate in different sports in the shoes of persons with disabilities. Members of parliament, the diplomatic corps, business leaders, athletes and other officials will have an opportunity to showcase their sports skills in the shoes of a person with disabilities.

The walk in my Shoes event shall be preceded by inclusive sports to be played by primary school children with and without disabilities. Inclusive sports will showcase inclusive education outside the classroom. This day will provide an opportunity for primary school children to enjoy different sports events, learn skills together and discover each other’s similarities rather than differences.

Participants of this event will get an opportunity to learn the life history of Dr Reginald Mengi, his role as an advocate for the welfare of persons with disabilites and get to understand the importance of a giving culture. We believe in inspiring the young generation and leaving a lasting impact in their beliefs for building an inclusive future society.

Become part of this life changing experience, where different abled persons get to enjoy a day of sports. The society will also get to see and appreciate challenges facing persons with disabilities through a ‘walk in my shoes’ sports. The event will be held at the Jakaya Mrisho Kikwette Sports Park, which is an inclusive sports park.

The foundation is pioneering the giving culture campaign to be celebrated during the month of May in honour of Dr. Reginald Mengi. The Campaign shall be known under the hashtag UBUNTU.

Ubuntu (Zulu pronunciation: [ùɓúntʼù]) is a term meaning "humanity." It is often translated as "I am because we are," or "humanity towards others," but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all. We believe this one word describes Dr. Reginald Mengi comprehensively.

The general themes for this year are care and protection of our mother earth through a “National Tree Planting Campaign and save a life through a ‘Blood Donation Campaign’. In collaboration with MOAT and members of the media fraternity we shall promote the philanthropic acts of Dr. Reginald Mengi to motivate and inspire Tanzanians and those in the diaspora to give back to the community through the UBUNTU hashtag.

This campaign also promotes independent acts of humanity during the month of May. This would provide the community a bigger platform for institutions, companies, social groups and individuals to organize independent giving back activities.


In the spirit of UBUNTU, we have identified protection of our mother earth as a humane activity. The Foundation is planning to mobilize all Tanzania’s to plant trees. The campaign known as save mother earth, plant a tree, will highlight the benefits of planting trees and protecting our environment. We shall also use this opportunity to inform the public on the effects of environmental degradation.

The campaign targets to plant 5,000 trees during the month of May. It is expected that this campaign will inspire Tanzanian’s to continue planting trees across the country throughout the year.

During the month of May, in collaborations with other SHIVYAWATA and other stakeholders we have scheduled to plant trees in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma and Kilimanjaro. Supporters or sponsors can participate either directly or by buying seedlings.


Giving a part of yourself to save another is the spirit of UBUNTU. In collaboration with The NBTS (National Blood Transfusion Service) the foundation is planning a blood donation campaign across the country.

This campaign is intended to motivate Tanzanians to donate blood as a symbol of love and respect to humankind. It is also a symbol of giving what you have for the other person and not a reflection of wealth as a basis for a giving heart.

We plan to hold two camps across Dar es Salaam and Dodoma as donation sites. These sites will promote the spirit of giving. We intend to use these sites to promote the life journey of Dr. Reginald Mengi and inspire the spirit of giving.

The final donation site will be at the charity walkathon. Participants will have an opportunity to donate blood in mass. This campaign targets to donate 300 units to the blood bank and many more units by Tanzanians across the country.